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Author Archives: WatanzaniaDK

Happy new year 2015
TANDEN wishes all a happy New Year 2015 “Umoja ni nguvu” It's main goal among others, is to bring together all Tanzanians living in Denmark, networking and help each other in times of need and happiness, and facilitate ...

Celebrating 53 yrs of Tanzania independence
Ndugu wana jumuiya,Tungependa kuwa shukuru wote walio jitokeza katika kusheherekea sikukua ya Uhuru wa Tanzania iliyofanyika Kulturhouse Vanlose. ...
Walimbwende ndani ya Tanzania independence day
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Here is full description on how your contribution may help us
With your 100kr contribution tomorrow, you will be able to contribute and make an impact in one of these TANDEN projects in Tanzania: 1. Jiko "Stove" project for women in Nshamba and Isingiro 2. Hospital equipments to Ki ...

Eid Mubarak 2014
TANDEN wish all Tanzanians and their friends in Denmark Eid Mubarak. TANDEN would also like to reminded all it's members and non members,that there would be a general meeting on 30-08-2014. Place and time would be confir ...

Explanation of Tanden’s projects by chairman John Butondo
Tanden facilitate integration of Tanzanians in the Danish society by giving support to them within the little resources Tanden have. Provide medical equipment to local dispensary and through an alternative energy project ...